If you haven’t heard the name Seth MacFarlane, you are not on planet earth or you simply live in the dark ages without a television. Seth MacFarlane has made his mark in the television industry, and now currently is the highest paid television writer/producer in the world. But what makes him so great? What makes him have a cult following that made his show re-air after being canceled twice? Is it that he is the only one to dare to make crude and racist jokes on national television? I think it’s because he’s one of a kind. He is a quadruple threat; he can write comedy, score music, animate characters, and provide voices. The “Family Guy” and “American Dad” creator was born on October 26th 1973 in Kent, Connecticut. At a young age Seth developed a passion for illustrations. Throughout his childhood, he drew such characters as Fred Flintstone and Woody the Woodpecker. MacFarlane was so talented at a young age that when he was eight he drew a comic strip called “Walter Crouton” for the The Kent Good Times Dispatch.[8] MacFarlane attended the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design, where he made a mark for himself among his professors. MacFarlane is most famous for creating “Family Guy”, “American Dad”, and most recently “The Cleveland Show”. As well as being a creator, Seth has also written and directed these shows as well as many others. MacFarlane claims that he is a “science fiction” type of guy. He has a deep passion for such shows as “Star Wars” and “Star Trek”. This should come as no shock because today we see a science fiction influence in his works. For example, he created a whole episode for “Family Guy” around “Star Wars”. In addition, he also created a “Family Guy” movie called “Something Something Darkside”. MacFarlane has a unique signature. It is very easy to recognize a Seth MacFarlane creation due to the similarities in the characters, and the no boundaries humor that MacFarlane is known for and the story line of dysfunctional families.
Seth is a very talented drawer and writer. His characters in “Family Guy” and “American Dad” are very similar. They both revolve around very dysfunctional families. In“ American Dad”, Stanly Smith is a CIA operative and a die hard American who is loyal to his country before anything else. His wife, Francine, is a clueless airhead. They have two children; Hailey, a rebellious daughter and Steve, the odd “gifted” son. The crew also lives with Helmut, a German talking fish, and a hermaphrodite alien from space called Roger.
Yes, this does sound a lot like the Griffins from “Family Guy”. “Family Guy” also has a small brained father, Peter. He is married to Lois, who holds the family together. They have three children; Meg, the outcast of a daughter and the fat son, Chris, who is a moron and, yes of course, there is the homicidal infant child, Stewie. As in “ American Dad”, MacFarlane also wrote in a talking pet; Brian, the alcoholic family dog.
MacFarlane is known for his over the top humor. Both “Family Guy” and “American Dad” are full of sex, violence, foul language and racist remarks. For example, in one episode, Peter sings a song about having aids. In another, Brian, the talking dog, is addicted to cocaine. In one episode, Peter and Lois have a fist fight, and Stewie beats up Brian, the pet dog. “American Dad “shares the same type of humor. Steve, the son, finds a kitten (ran over by a car) on the street and tries to rescue it. Instead, the cat tears him to shreds. Both shows have been the target of many critics, saying that the show should have regulations and just because it’s an animated series doesn't mean it can get away with its antics.
MacFarlane’s creations are either loved or hated. He is known for his large headed illustrations and his crude and, at times, shocking humor. He is not afraid to poke fun of celebrities or political figures. He is an amazing writer, director, and producer. There really is nothing he cannot do and I have a feeling we will see much more of him in the years to come. So if you are watching an animated show and you can't believe what you just heard or saw.....There's a good chance it's either written, Produced or directed by SIR SETH MACFARLANE
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your comments about Seth MacFarlane and all he has done in the comedic animation world. Although I wouldn't call myself an avid Family Guy watcher I have seen enough to have some background info about the shows. However, I didn't know MacFarlane was such a good artist. I always thought he was just a writer. I also thought he was anti-Star Wars because he poked fun at them so much, but in reality he was flattering them! Very interesting!
I am glad you commented on MacFarlane's over the top comedic themes he uses in his shows i.e. Brian being a cocaine addict. I think what makes a great comedian is someone who can go to the comedic boundary line per se, and maybe put a foot over it, but not cross it. I find that MacFarlane does that better than most people writing for TV today. However, do you think MacFarlane ever goes to far with his topics for laughter? I can't decide if I do, but I do know there are times when I am watching his shows and I cringe in a "OOOOO how did Fox let him get away with that one!" It will be interesting to see what new comedic lines he will try to push and perhaps cross! Nice post!
Kevin - http://somethinglikevariety.blogspot.com/
I think your blog is the first where I found the background information you provided interesting and relevant at the same time. You highlighted how talented MacFarlane is and that he has worked hard and deserves to be paid as much as he does since he is involved with almost every aspect of his shows. I have never watched American Dad, but if has the same sarcastic and out of line humor that Family Guy has I'm sure I would watch it! I agree with Kevin in that sometimes the jokes go too far-it can almost be uncomfortable. But that said-that's what makes the show what it is. It is out of line most of the time and they take the jokes and humor places I don't think that any other TV show does. I guess Fox let's it happen because like you said since it is a cartoon? It is interesting to think of it that way and if that really does help writers get away with some things?